Solpad Tiered System awards allocation according to user account tier - any human can freely stake SPD tokens and participate in pools!
Solpad has made the commitment of banning bots from our platform, guaranteeing that the project IDOs result in successful community building, not bots sniping the entire allocation.
Solpad prides itself for being the first dual-listing launchpad in crypto. Participants have the flexibility to collect their token allocation on Solana or wrapped on Binance Smart Chain for higher liquidity.
Supply Chain
Duis tincidunt euismod turpis, eu interdum diam ornare at. Donec vitae maximus arcu. Donec ultrices at eros lobortis pulvinar.
Sold Assets5.9M+
Marketplace VolumeSustainability
Nullam nibh leo, fermentum vel dolor at, porta mollis sem nam fermentum.
Donec vitae maximus arcu. Donec ultrices at eros lobortis pulvinar.
Learn MoreSuspendisse consequat consequat nisl vel interdum. Nam at turpis rhoncus, lacinia dolor eu, congue metus. Maecenas sit amet tincidunt arcu. Vestibulum vulputate pellentesque nulla laoreet aliquet.
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